svg floating icon with parallax effect StoreLocator


How much better is life with a store nearby selling your fav WhatIF  goodies? Check our Store Locator here to see if you need a walk, a bike, or a space craft to get there IRL.

Store locator is loading from StoreRocket Store Locator Widget..

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Hangry and need your fix asap?

Local store not playing ball?

Email this message to your Local Store Manager.

Dear (Store/Manager's name)

Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping at your store. But I have noticed that your shelves are conspicuously empty of WhatIF products. You know, BamNut milk and noodles.

Not only do they taste absolutely delicious but they’re so much better for the planet and the world’s farming communities.

They would make the perfect addition to your current offering and I would be delighted to see them on your shelves.
